Buddhist text often says, “Oh nobly born… you who have a buddha nature in your heart, remember who you are.”
The relationship between consciousness, feelings, and our perspective of each experience we encounter is an opportunity to learn and grow. Feeling full of joy or sorrow, sensing gain or loss, being praised or shamed for your attempt to connect and sense love, in each instance, our feelings are merely opportunities to train and refine our skills in acceptance.
Perhaps it will only be when we come to the end of our human experience that we realize life itself is a mysterious trip that means more once we return to our spirit form, without the limits of our body or our mind.
Acceptance speaks to the question of identity "who am I" or who we sense ourself to be, and what it means to have the capacity to release or let go of the drama in our life yet still be involved in it. In other words, to not get lost or get beholden to the drama and realize it is only training us to know our spirit is growing in strength even in the losses that seem unbearable during our time in this human form.
Acceptance is the ability to let go of the burdens of the past and recognize each moment we have a deep feeling as training to refine our ability to love ourselves and one another. Our feeling of grief is merely showing the depths of our ability to love.