
Mar 6, 2025

 by Sue Hitzmann

Some of us are givers by nature. Offering solutions when confronted with a problem whether it be ours or someone else's. Listening to someone else's struggle, our eyes can often see the solution is right there, in plain sight, despite the other being blind to what's right in front of them.

It takes practice to disengage from the need to participate in another's struggle. It takes boundaries and solid knowing and intuition to not feel obligated to step in as a solution giver.

For some of us, giving comes easily yet in the giving, we are often left feeling depleted, taken advantage of, and unseen. Like a see-saw, there should be give, and take. To give, give, and give more many givers find themselves being taken. As if the give we give is just obligation, or implied that we should give because what good are we if we aren't giving.

When a giver stops giving to a selfish taker, they may feel exiled. The taker has no use for a giver that is not giving. No matter, a taker taking their need away - it's the reflection of what takers leave behind. The undertow of ungiving that awakens a giver's soul, acknowledging the effortless giving back to the self in a loving way, allows new opportunities to be nourished and new love to grow.

And in the not giving, somehow, you start playing with the current, rise up from the depths of the waters, take a breath, and keep on swimming...