
Oct 17, 2024

 by Sue Hitzmann

Humans are a lot like flowers. When we are born, we are fresh, we are beautiful... our eyes, lips, and hands are like lotus flowers says the buddha. We have all of these flowers to give to others just with our smile, a simple touch, a wink... Yet, if we don't know how to take care, our flower can wilt. But each time you smile, or you share a loving embrace, or you make eye contact with others, every cell of your body can smile like a flower and become nurtured by your love. For your sake of happiness and others, be fresh, light, and beautiful like a flower. Practice being a flower.

Breathe in with the words "I see myself as a flower"

Breathe out, say "I feel fresh"

This is simple. Just find a comfortable body position, focus on your breath 3 times, in and out. Let your flower get nurtured by your mind and your connection to your body.